Frequently Asked Questions
Schedule your Tour Today!
Drop Off Policy:
- Drop off is between 6am – 9am
- Pickup must be before 6 pm. Parents will be fined for every 15 minutes past 6pm.
- No Dropping Off Kids after 9 am without a Doctor’s note.
How did my child do today?
- Daily report sheets will be given out daily to parents on their way home.
Will the school staff administer medicine?
- Consent via a signed permission slip or Doctor’s note will be needed prior to our staff administering any medicine.
- This is covered in more detail via our Parent Handbook.
Do I need to provide school supplies?
- Parents must provide diapers and wipes.
What are the School Holidays and Closures?
- *New Year’s Day * Martin Luther King, Jr. Day * Good Friday * Memorial Day
*Independence Day * Labor Day * Veteran’s Day * Thanksgiving * Christmas - If the holiday falls on Saturday, the Friday before that Saturday will be designated as the holiday. If the holiday falls on Sunday, the Monday after the Sunday will be designated as the holiday.
- Special notification will be given in case of any changes made to the holiday schedule.
Inclement Weather Policy
- South Wake Preschool & Academy’s Inclement Weather Policy mirror’s that of Wake County Public Schools.
- During periods of inclement weather such as heavy snowfall or ice storms, etc., normal business hours may be interrupted. If the center opens at regular time, or at an announced delayed starting time, or at an early closing time, parents are expected to make the necessary timely arrangements for drop-off and pick-up
Can I watch my child over a web camera?
- Yes! Webcam credentials will be provided to parents upon acceptance into our programs.
How Does The Academy Manage Injury Prevention?
- Teachers for each age group are responsible for daily safety inspections of their assigned area and equipment. Defective equipment will be removed or repaired as soon as possible to prevent injury. Small toy pieces or other objects that could pose a choking hazard to infants and toddlers will not be allowed in areas designated for children under age three.
- This is covered in more detail via our Parent Handbook.
How to Pay Tuition
- Tuition may be paid through a written check, or credit/debit card.
Immunization Policy
- All children under our care must be seen by a Primary Care physician
May I bring my child to school if they are sick and/or what happens if my child get sick at school?
- Please only send healthy children to school!
- You are likely the best judge of of whether or not your child feels well enough to be in school. If he or she will be out, please let us know.
- We will use the following criteria in deciding whether or not to send children home:
- A temperature of 100 degrees or higher. Children with a fever should remain home until fever-free for 24 hours without medication.
- If a child is experiencing nausua, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. Children should remain at home until he/she has been symptom free for 24 hours.
- Undiagnosed Rash